Giulio - C+C=Maxigross on Miles

I want to sing to Miles (our “Zio” here) the last grateful thank you, like it was the first one.

I met Miles the first time in March 2012 with my band Ancher...we were opening a concert of Akron/Family at Interzona, our 'veronese' Music Temple, which was also his one in Verona (Italy). That volcanic energy is still inside me, inside us, and it smells of palo santo. From now, still winter 2021, all the memories are more sharpen than before.

We are here living from February on Capraia Island, and Miles, you give us playing on sleepless nights again, in these concerts dreams. This island was born as it is now, it raised up from the sea! It has never touched a solid ground and its geology is more than rare like yours; This island was born from two volcanoes t hat emerged nine millions years ago in the middle of our favorite Tyrrhenian sea, the same of the Sardinian one, from were are coming the same visceral pulsations of our favorite ancestral noises and beats.

You make me and us to look at the stars that are far but close, you enlighten us with the white from the moon and the black of the sea, you are in the earth, in the water, in the fire and in the air... surely not only for the deep side of me, you are and you have been all the elements! Another playing and smoking day for us, and I will leave from the sea. The garlic chives pesto that would make you crazy is here ready, like your taste more than real, you are in all the pieces of our music of 'Sale', in all the best pasts and futures marinare(s).

Hoeing the new vegetable garden we have found an old part of a tile that reminds your being deep, a sonic camouflage of precious cells that'll vibrates perennially, you... a sincere scorpion more greenish than black. By playing your music, you have taught me to feel the brushes traveling from the hands to the heart, to build them out from what it's around, to make them homemade using the tree heather (Erica arborea) that here in Tuscany is called 'the brush' (la scopa). How wonderful are your brushes, and yours psychedelic and polychromatic fabrics, our polyrhythms that sweep away all the bad vibes with the softness of the percussive microtones.

Like you know how to make music, like the universal sound that will twang inside forever, like you have sung for us from the deepest you,
spearing us all the “focus”: we are always “in the Zone”!
We feels you in the mediterranean maquis that it tastes as California.
Here in Italy the Asphodel (called down there where you were 'Onionweed') is blossoming already,
from a little while I see; everyday from your last message this plant is kicking out white flowers,
it raises up with long stems toward the Desert's Sun of wherever you are...
always listening you, waiting your resonance from America.

Giulio - C+C=Maxigross

asfodelo luce.jpg
Liz Crabbe